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FREE SPELL To Incite a Desired Lover to Passion.

You will need a straight-back chair on which to sit. Perform the exercise naked.

Place on the table two pink candles. Light them. Then carefully blend the following ingredients in a plane white dish.

BSM Garden of Love Incense – ½ teaspoon

BSM Fire of Passion Incense - ½ teaspoon

BSM Eye of a Cat Incense - ½ teaspoon

BSM 7th Heaven Incense - ¼ teaspoon

BSM Musk Incense - 1 teaspoon

When the above is thoroughly mixed, sprinkle the table or altar with a small amount Teasing Lover oil.

Then put the incense blend (use 1-2 pinches) in your incense burner on the table or altar and light. Sprinkle a small amount of BSM Hot Hot Orris Root Powder and BSM Teasing Lover Oil on your naked body. Rub a little BSM Love Drops Oil around your genital region. Now close your eyes and concentrate on your lover’s sex organ for a full seven minutes. When finished, extinguish all of the candles. Repeat this entire ritual for seven successive days at the exact same time.

You can purchase all needed magickal materials

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