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FREE Best Spell to Win Back an Ex Love

You will need the following items for this spell:

Tea Lights

Bath Crystals “Love & Roses” (purchased at store or online)*optional*

White clothing

Purple potato


You’re “Ex” photo, nails or hare (optional)

Love and Desire Herbal Blend (purchased at store or online)*optional*

“Reconciliation-Want You Back”” Oil (purchased at store or online)*optional*

Chocolate morsels

Come to Me Spray (purchased at store or online)*optional*

Part 1

Prepare your bath and fill it with warm water put as many “tea” lights as you can in your bathroom. Add the bath salt crystals "Love and Roses" (!product/prd2/2310923451/love-%26-roses-bath-salt) into the water. Now close the lights and emerge yourself in the water with the intention of clearing your heart mind and soul from all negativity. Say a small prayer to your chosen Angel asking to cleanse you from all negativity and bring love vibrations around you. While doing this you should be pouring the bath water on your head. Now relax and clear your mind of all thoughts and meditate for at least five minutes. Now submerge your whole body if you can into the water three times. Give thanks to your Angel and you can shower off with only water. Get out of the tub and let yourself air dry. Now wear the white clothing and move to your altar. Set up your altar with all needed for this ritual magickal materials.

Part 2

Take a purple potato and create a Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. Potato Head with a knife. Carve a hole in the back of the potato head and place a hair or nails inside the hole (optional), and fill it with Love and Desire Herbs Blend (!product/prd2/2324311521/love-%26-desire-herbal-blend). Focus on that person and feel them being drawn to you. Add 1 teaspoon of chocolate morsels mixed with 5 drops of “Reconciliation-Want You Back”” Oil (!product/prd2/2311371601/reconciliation-want-you-back-oil). You can glue photo of your ex on the potato, to create the magickal link. This “poppet” is known as poppet magick and is a very powerful way to influence someone. Than carve your name deeply across the forehead. Whenever your name comes to mind, your ex will experience the endorphin rush. Place this poppet on a white plate on your love altar.

Sprinkle the poppet with Come to Me Spray (!product/prd2/2311506421/come-to-me-spray) every day.

Keep the poppet on your altar until this person returns to you.

Best Spells Magick online store ( has all magickal material you need for this Ritual.

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